Parent"s Portal

Parent's Responsibility

Tuition assistance is available through Texas Workforce Solutions Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Program

For more information visit:

  • Child must be dropped off by 9:00am for the start of class time. Please arrange alternative care after 9am.  
  • It is important that your child be picked up by 5:30pm to avoid $15 late fee.
  • If you are not able to pick up your child within the normal hours of operation, please have someone else available to pick up your child for you. 
  • If you are running late or stuck in traffic, please call the Childcare Center so that we are aware of the situation; $15 late fee will still apply.
  • Parents are required to keep us informed of any change in address, home telephone/cell phone #, work #, child pick-up persons, and other changes related to the care of your child. It may be urgent that we get in touch with you and/or the person you authorize to pick up your child immediately.
  • A two week written notice is required for to terminate childcare.  If you terminate without notice, you will be held liable for two weeks in fees, and costs related to the collection of any outstanding unpaid fees.
  • Application fee: $30 per family of siblings; non-refundable.
  • Late Tuition / Late Pick-up fee: $15 per incident; to be paid by Friday of the week late occurrence.
  • All payments for tuition, late fees are to be made via money order, or credit/debit card.
  • Occasionally Parents may be asked to pay for field trips or special activities for their child.  Parents will be notified in advance of any special activity or field trip.  In the event Parent does not want their child to participate in an activity or field trip, an alternate activity will be arranged.

We feel daily outside play is a must. Our children will go outside each day, if only for a few minutes based on weather conditions. Please remember:

  • Even if it is too cold to stay outside for more than 15-20 minutes, there is still an advantage to children in the physical release and stimulation of interest they derive from outside play. We sometimes forget that being active outdoors in cold weather keeps one warm.
  • Children must have a chance to exercise their growing muscles.
  • Children who attend must be physically able to participate in all daily Activities- to include outside time. This is a TPRS minimum standard.
  • Our outside play space provides for shade and sun. During sunny days feel free to send sunscreen. If permission to administer is not already on file at enrollment, you will be asked to complete an authorization for us to apply sunscreen. Please label the container with the child’s name.

Because we care about the health and wellbeing of the children in our care, we follow the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Recommendations on Screen Time. We understand that TV and other electronic media can get in the way of exploring, playing, and interacting with others, which encourages learning and healthy physical and social development. Therefore, we will restrict screen time by:

  • Children under 2 should have no screen time
  • Children age 2 and over should watch less than 30 minutes per week at child care, and less than 2 hours per day total.
  • Allowing a maximum of 30 minutes total per week of educational and age appropriate screen time (television, video, and DVD). 
  • Allowing no more than 15 minutes of educational computer time per day. 
  • Not allowing any screen time during meals and snacks.
  • Having zero screen time (TV, video, and computer) for children under the age of two.

It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to keep all contact information up to date. Parent may update information at any time via Brightwheel Parent App, or calling main # with updated contact information. 

  • Please inform the Teacher in advance if possible that your child will be absent, or has an appointment and will be tardy. A Return to School note will be required for your child to be dropped off after 9:00am. 
  • If your child does not arrive by the 9:00am drop off time, we will assume the child will not be in care that day.

No child will be hit, spanked, belittled, or otherwise intimidated while in the Provider’s care.  No corporal punishment will be used, including by Parent when on the childcare premises.  Children will be treated with courtesy, dignity, respect, and patience.  The Childcare Center rules are explained and reiterated to the children frequently so that they will all know the rules and guidelines. Once a child understands the rules and disobeys them, the following guidance techniques will be used according to age and understanding level.  Younger children, older infants and toddlers, will be redirected to another activity.  Older children will be given time-outs (one minute per year of age) depending on the severity of the offense.  If a child develops a persistent behavior problem, we will address it with Parent, and work to resolve it together.

Provider will be happy to assist Parent with potty training, and working closely with them throughout the potty training process. All potty training children will start wearing pull-ups, and then move onto regular underwear. Please send your child in clothing that they can handle successfully on their own – no onesies, no overalls, no belts or jeans/pants/other clothing with buttons or snaps.  Elastic waist pants/shorts, or skirts for girls, is the most appropriate.  Parents will be asked to supply extra sets of spare clothing during the potty training period.

Each child is required to have a rest period. Parents are requested to supply a blanket for the child, which will be kept at the childcare center during the week, and taken home for laundering on weekends.  Infants are always put to sleep on their backs and are allowed to nap on demand.  Toddlers between 12-18 months will usually transition to one nap a day, and from a bed to a nap mat during this time.

Provider may offer field trips at various times throughout the year for children 3+ yrs old.  Notice of field trips will usually be given at least two weeks in advance. Provider will generally cover the cost of most field trips.  Occasionally minor additional fees will be requested for field trip activities, you will always be notified in advance if any additional fees will be required. 

During field trips away from the childcare facility:  All traffic laws will be followed, a double check and accountability process is in place to ensure that no child will ever be left unattended in a vehicle. Children will be placed in age/weight appropriate car seats as required by state law.  Parents may be requested to provide a car seat for the day.  Copies of emergency forms remain with the Provider at all times.

Parent's Software



6:30 AM – 5:30 PM